The following list of terms has been defined for your convenience.
We hope you find them helpful in better understanding our site.
Developmental aid: Ongoing,
long-term efforts by outside agencies to assist developing countries to improve their way
of life. Developmental aid continues for at least 1 year. It's purpose is to improve
the general well being of the people who are being helped.
Relief aid: Urgent, short-term efforts by outside
agencies. Relief aid usually consists of medical attention, rescue operations, and
giving a limited supply of food and water. It's purpose is to assist countries in
restoring their way of life following a disaster. Relief aid is designed to bring
people from lowered conditions due to a disaster, back to how they normally are. It
only deals with urgent problems that don't take very long to fix.
NGOs: Non-governmental organizations active
in development or relief efforts. They are not organized or run by the
government. Some don't ask for grants from the government. A portion of these
organizations don't accept governmental grants.